Why Are Lab Created Diamonds a Growing Rage in India?

Of late, lab grown diamonds have become a rage in India. All those who happen to be looking for an economical diamond can opt for a lab grown diamond. There are several companies that manufacture and develop synthetic diamonds. The thing with these diamonds is: they are far brighter and clearer than natural/mined diamonds. Well, that is because lab grown diamonds are not mined out of the heart of planet earth.

Lab grown diamonds in India can be found with ease. However, not every vendor is good enough to provide you with the best synthetic diamonds. Also, look for a vendor that offers diamonds in various shapes and sizes. An average Indian buyer seems to have developed a liking for synthetic diamonds because of their brightness, cost effectiveness and clarity.

Here’s why lab made diamonds are an ever-growing rage in India:

People in India Prefer Economical Diamonds

Economical diamonds are every Indian’s favourite. The thing with a lab grown diamond is: it is cheaper than a mined diamond because there are no mining and transportation costs involved in its procurement. Therefore, its cost is expected to be considerably lower than a mined diamond. So, an Indian buyer can choose to go for a bigger and brighter diamond within a limited budget if he/she chooses to go for a lab grown piece of diamond. All those planning to buy diamonds in large quantities can think of embracing lab grown diamonds right at this moment.

 These Diamonds are Clear and Bright

There’s a reason why these diamonds are clear and bright. Well, that is because these diamonds are clean, both literally and figuratively. Since lab grown diamonds are manufactured and developed inside the confines of a lab, they are not studded with impurities. Also, these diamonds are visually appealing because of their brightness and clarity. Get in touch with a lab grown diamond company in India if you want to embrace factory made diamonds and not mined diamonds.

CVD Diamonds are Just as Genuine as Natural Diamonds

Factory made diamonds, or HPHT diamonds, are not counterfeit diamonds. They are pretty much real diamonds, but they are manufactured within the confines of a laboratory by subjecting the diamond seed (carbon) to extremely high temperatures. The process helps create real diamonds at a rate of knots.  Interestingly, you won’t be able to tell the difference between a lab grown diamond and a natural diamond because both are natural (genuine). Plus, these diamonds can be given any colour, shape and size. So, it won’t be wrong to say that going for a lab grown diamond is definitely a great idea if you’re looking to buy a customised diamond for yourself.

These Diamonds are Easy on the Environment

Lab grown diamonds are easy on the environment because these are not extracted out of mines. The problem with mined diamonds is: these are extremely harsh on the environment because the mine is abandoned after all of the diamonds are extracted out of it. Plus, several natural diamonds are sourced from conflict-ridden countries (and regions). So, it would be apt to say that several natural diamonds are ‘bloodied’. However, lab grown diamonds are developed using ethical means inside the confines of a laboratory. So, go for factory made diamonds right now if you do not want guilt and emotional turmoil to make inroads into your everyday life.

Search for a lab grown diamond company in India if you want to get your hands on the best manmade diamonds at an affordable price. Of late, lab grown diamonds have been in the news for all the right reasons. If you are planning to buy a lab grown diamond, then you can be proud of yourself because, by doing so, you’re playing a pivotal role in keeping the environment intact

Published by ABD Diamonds Pvt. Ltd.

ABD Diamonds is a leading diamond manufacturer & supplier developing authentic diamond crystals. We manufacture excellent quality Lab Grown Diamond, CVD Diamonds, HPHT Diamond, Diamond Studded jewellery and much more. We are recognized among the top diamond manufacturers for producing premium-grade diamonds with an ethical conduct, following the actual international industry standards. Diamonds signify purity and we are committed to manufacture the purest diamond crystals and thereby maintain strong customer relationships by delivering absolute quality.

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