Discover Your Unique Style With Fancy Cut Diamonds

Diamonds are a timeless way of expressing love! Diamonds we all know are forever, but have you considered that all diamonds are not the same? Whether you’re thinking about proposing or just making a sparkly investment, we can offer you some insight into the world of diamonds.

Fancy cut diamonds are a unique and versatile form of diamonds that add personality to every piece of jewellery. The perfect addition to your collection, it reflects your style and adds a sense of personality.

But What Are Fancy-Cut Diamonds?

Here is a brief on some most popular diamond cuts and what they represent:

  • Pear Cut

Wearing a pear cut leaves you with a radiant and dazzling experience. This is one diamond that always elicits a “wow” response.

A person drawn towards a pear cut can be described as someone who values tradition and individuality. It is the perfect blend of the classic elegance of a round diamond and the uniqueness of a teardrop. A classy representation of a unique personality grounded by their roots.

  • Oval-Cut

It is the second most popular fancy-shaped diamond after the classic round cut. It brings elegance in every way that matters and makes the fingers look slender and long.

It also depicts your playful personality and a trait of thinking out of the box. It is a versatile cut that is both modern and timeless and a perfect addition to your collection.

  • Marquise-Cut

This boat-shaped diamond has heritage roots and was modelled by royalty. It is a piece of beauty that captures every eye in the vicinity with its point-to-point beauty and symmetry.

  • Emerald Cut

It is the epitome of elegance and sophistication in jewellery. For lovers of clean-cut lines and symmetry, the emerald cut is a stunning choice. It is amongst the most famous cuts made more popular by the ever-stylish Queen B (Beyonce). It is undoubtedly a cut that will always stay in style!

  •  Heart Cut

This is the perfect cut for all you romantics out there. Cut literally in the shape of a heart; it is the ultimate symbol of your love and devotion towards your partner. Whether you wish to celebrate a relationship milestone or express your love, there is no better way than a heart-cut diamond.

Wrapping Up:

While selecting a diamond, it is equally important to ensure you choose the right diamond manufacturers for the best quality. With ABD Diamond, you can be rest assured to get the best fancy cut diamond for your collection.

Whether you are drawn to the elegance of pear cut or crave a bit of drama with our marquise cut, as the best-polished diamonds manufacturer, we assure you will not leave our doors disappointed!

Why Are Lab Created Diamonds a Growing Rage in India?

Of late, lab grown diamonds have become a rage in India. All those who happen to be looking for an economical diamond can opt for a lab grown diamond. There are several companies that manufacture and develop synthetic diamonds. The thing with these diamonds is: they are far brighter and clearer than natural/mined diamonds. Well, that is because lab grown diamonds are not mined out of the heart of planet earth.

Lab grown diamonds in India can be found with ease. However, not every vendor is good enough to provide you with the best synthetic diamonds. Also, look for a vendor that offers diamonds in various shapes and sizes. An average Indian buyer seems to have developed a liking for synthetic diamonds because of their brightness, cost effectiveness and clarity.

Here’s why lab made diamonds are an ever-growing rage in India:

People in India Prefer Economical Diamonds

Economical diamonds are every Indian’s favourite. The thing with a lab grown diamond is: it is cheaper than a mined diamond because there are no mining and transportation costs involved in its procurement. Therefore, its cost is expected to be considerably lower than a mined diamond. So, an Indian buyer can choose to go for a bigger and brighter diamond within a limited budget if he/she chooses to go for a lab grown piece of diamond. All those planning to buy diamonds in large quantities can think of embracing lab grown diamonds right at this moment.

 These Diamonds are Clear and Bright

There’s a reason why these diamonds are clear and bright. Well, that is because these diamonds are clean, both literally and figuratively. Since lab grown diamonds are manufactured and developed inside the confines of a lab, they are not studded with impurities. Also, these diamonds are visually appealing because of their brightness and clarity. Get in touch with a lab grown diamond company in India if you want to embrace factory made diamonds and not mined diamonds.

CVD Diamonds are Just as Genuine as Natural Diamonds

Factory made diamonds, or HPHT diamonds, are not counterfeit diamonds. They are pretty much real diamonds, but they are manufactured within the confines of a laboratory by subjecting the diamond seed (carbon) to extremely high temperatures. The process helps create real diamonds at a rate of knots.  Interestingly, you won’t be able to tell the difference between a lab grown diamond and a natural diamond because both are natural (genuine). Plus, these diamonds can be given any colour, shape and size. So, it won’t be wrong to say that going for a lab grown diamond is definitely a great idea if you’re looking to buy a customised diamond for yourself.

These Diamonds are Easy on the Environment

Lab grown diamonds are easy on the environment because these are not extracted out of mines. The problem with mined diamonds is: these are extremely harsh on the environment because the mine is abandoned after all of the diamonds are extracted out of it. Plus, several natural diamonds are sourced from conflict-ridden countries (and regions). So, it would be apt to say that several natural diamonds are ‘bloodied’. However, lab grown diamonds are developed using ethical means inside the confines of a laboratory. So, go for factory made diamonds right now if you do not want guilt and emotional turmoil to make inroads into your everyday life.

Search for a lab grown diamond company in India if you want to get your hands on the best manmade diamonds at an affordable price. Of late, lab grown diamonds have been in the news for all the right reasons. If you are planning to buy a lab grown diamond, then you can be proud of yourself because, by doing so, you’re playing a pivotal role in keeping the environment intact

The 4C’s to Consider in a Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds are gaining popularity more than ever for their cost-effectiveness. Also, natural diamonds and man-made diamonds have the same characteristics.

The Lab Grown Diamond Manufacturer uses cutting-edge technology for creating diamonds with two methods: HPHT (High-Pressure High Temperature) and CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition) Diamonds. lab grown diamonds are also classified as natural diamonds.

Lab grown diamonds

You must consider these 4 Cs before purchasing lab grown diamond jewellery.


Diamond cut is the essential part of the grading for lab grown diamonds. Dimond cut does not mean the shape of the diamond. It has four elements:

  1. Brightness – A well-cut diamond reflects back all the light it gets.
  2. Fire – Perfect diamond cut gives a prism-like effect when white light enters the diamond.
  3. Scintillation – It showcases the flashes of the diamond.
  4. Pattern – It is the areas where light and dark areas are contrasting.

Lab grown diamonds are divided into grades for customers so that they know the quality of diamond they are purchasing. Let’s understand them.

  • Excellent – As it is the supreme grade, it reflects the maximum amount of brightness and fire. Also, it throws all the light that enters the diamond.
  • Very Good – It reflects almost all the light that enters the diamond.
  • Good – It has an above-average appearance with the reflection of enters.
  • Poor – It does not reflect much light, it escapes from the sides or the bottom. It is usually dull.


The clarity of the diamond means whether it has any flaws. For instance, the diamond does not have any flaws, the light entered into the diamond can reflect back completely. If any diamond has flaws, the light cannot reflect back fully. As the flaws increase, less the light reflects. Hence, diamonds with or without flaws are categorized into these 6 ratings:


Pure diamonds are transparent. However, many diamonds have impurities, such as nitrogen, boron, hydrogen, or other elements, that cause color. The colors of diamonds are characterized from D to Z. Letter D is colorless, and Z is light-colored. Here are the bifurcations:

Color GradesParameters
D E FColorless
G H I JNear Colorless
K L MFaint
N to RVery Light
S to ZLight


This one is the easiest grade in all. The diamonds are measured in carats. It is directly related to the diamond’s size. 5 carats make 1 gram, which means one carat is 0.200 grams. The lab grown diamond manufacturer divides one carat into 100 points. Henceforth, three-quarter carat equals 75 points, half a carat equals 50 points, and so on.

In a nutshell, natural and man-made diamonds have their characteristics from which we identify the purity of the diamonds. Hence, these grades are essential to understand before making a purchase.

Are Lab Grown Diamonds Worth Buying?

Lab-grown diamonds have been in great demand in recent times. All those who want to buy an eco-friendly piece of the diamond can go for a set of lab grown diamonds right away. However, many people, especially first-time buyers of lab grown diamonds, tend to think that lab grown diamonds are not worth anything. Factory made diamonds are priced less than naturally-occurring diamonds but they are as valuable as the mined diamonds and offer a great resell value.

Seasoned diamond buyers would be well aware of the fact that lab grown diamonds are better than natural diamonds if the idea is to buy an eco-friendly and affordable piece of diamond. A lab grown diamond company will be able to take you through the merits of buying lab grown diamonds.

Are Lab Grown Diamonds Worth Buying

Here is why lab-grown diamonds are worth their price in gold:

Lab-Grown Diamonds are Clear and Bright

Lab-grown diamonds are clear and bright. Well, the thing with lab-grown diamonds is: they aren’t loaded with impurities because lab grown diamonds are not mined out of the surface of our planet. If you have a taste for a bright and clear piece of diamond jewellery that’s fresh and charming, then go for factory made diamonds without thinking much. To put things simply, not an inch of it is impure and/or dusty.

These Diamonds are No Less Original Than Natural Diamonds

Let us, for once, get the facts right. Lab grown diamonds are not ‘fake’ diamonds. These diamonds are just as authentic as natural diamonds. Well, that is because they are made using a bite-sized diamond seed. This seed is placed into a piece of carbon to give rise to a stunning piece of lab grown diamond jewellery. Lab grown diamonds have the same properties like their mined counterparts.

Lab Grown Diamonds Don’t Require You to Break the Bank

Lab grown diamonds are considerably cheaper than natural diamonds. Naturally-occurring diamonds are expensive because of the mining process. However, take nothing away from the value and affordability of lab grown diamonds. These pieces of jewellery cost 20-30 % less than their naturally-occurring counterparts. Just make it a point to get in touch with a prominent lab-grown diamond supplier in India, if you have a taste for lab grown diamonds.

Approach a prominent diamond vendor that deals in factory made diamonds right away. All those who wish to buy a flawless piece of diamond jewellery can opt for factory made diamonds in India right at this moment. If you wish to make a conscious choice with your jewelry, then pieces of lab grown diamond jewellery are just about ideal for you.

Trends in Diamond Industry

Trends in Diamond Industry

Keeping an eye on the new trends in the diamond industry can be hard but it is still an essential task of an industry observer or any savvy consumer. Whether you are looking to catch a deal on your next purchase or looking for investment, keeping up with the trends is imperative. The trends in the diamond industry have given a boost to synthetic diamond production and sales. The trends are changing and it is important to keep an eye on the upcoming trends.

The diamond industry is also evolving like any other industry. Here’s everything you need to know about diamonds industry trends.

Millennials are shaping the industry:

Millennials are shaping the diamond industry. While millennials have a reputation for killing industries, it would be a mistake to believe that the diamond industry is dying simply because the customer base is changing.

Millennials are making more financially conscious decisions regarding diamond purchases. They regard diamond purchases as an investment into the future just as the older generation.

Sparkling growth of lab grown Diamonds:

Millennials are the future of the diamond industry and to survive, the industry must make changes keeping them in mind. Many millennials regard climate change and eco-friendly practices as a top deciding factor for their purchases. Lab diamonds have a significantly lower impact on the environment than mined diamonds. Also, lab grown diamonds don’t differ from mined diamonds in the eyes of customers. Lab grown diamonds have not only increased in popularity but they are also on the verge of changing the industry. As a less expensive option, lab grown diamonds offer eco-friendliness and affordability to the customers.

New Alternatives:

Other alternatives have also popped up as options for couples that are looking for traditionally mined diamonds other than lab created diamonds. Salt and pepper diamonds, moonstones, and moissanite have gained popularity and the tag of “outside the box”.

Increase in Production Costs:

As the decade progresses, a larger share of rough diamond production is expected to come from even deeper mines which are costly to operate. This means that the additional investment will be required to drive productivity. The report further forecasts that unit capital costs at the mines will continue to rise. Industrial diamonds will face difficulties in the coming time.

Whether you’re an industry observer or a savvy customer, it is important to pay attention to the trends in the diamond industry. The need for new mines, lab grown diamonds, and other diamond alternatives are all big thanks to looking out for in the diamond industry.

When Are Lab Grown Diamonds Bought?

Lab grown diamonds, just like all other things, have a set of advantages. Here’s the real thing: lab grown diamonds are quite different from naturally occurring diamonds. For one thing, they are not contaminated. Here’s a good example: a diamond procured after mining is bound to contain several impurities. Dirt and filth are found in abundance inside the earth’s surface. So, all those who want to buy a diamond that is not contaminated can go for a lab grown diamond.

There has been a steady increase in the popularity of lab grown diamonds in recent times. If you get an opportunity to chat with any reliable diamond manufacturer, then do ask him about lab grown diamonds. In all fairness, he/she will be more than happy to tell you that lab grown diamonds are the talk of the town, thanks in part to their clarity. Moreover, all those who do not want to harm the environment can give man-made diamonds a try.

when are lab grown diamonds bought

Here is why people go for lab grown diamonds:

Far More Affordable Than Natural Diamonds

Let us, for once, face the fact that natural diamonds are expensive. The world’s hardest substance is naturally occurring. All naturally-occurring diamonds are expensive because they are mined out of the earth’s surface. The thing with naturally-occurring diamonds is: these are scarce. However, lab-made diamonds can be found in abundance. Get in touch with a merchant dealing in synthetic diamond manufacturer to buy a bunch of lab grown diamonds for the ones you love. To put things simply, lab grown diamonds are 15-30% cheaper than natural diamonds.

Not Contaminated

People buy lab grown diamonds because they are not contaminated. A naturally occurring diamond is ‘touched’ by a lot of people, right from the miners to diamond merchants. Therefore it is bound to be contaminated. Lab grown diamonds, on the other hand, are free of all impurities as these are not mined out of the earth’s surface.

Lab Grown Diamonds are Clear

Lab grown diamonds are clearer than most naturally-occurring diamonds. The thing with these diamonds is: they are clear because of the absence of impurities. People choose lab grown diamonds because of their visual appeal and brightness. So, it can be said that a man-made diamond is much more ‘refined’ when you compare it with natural ones.


This is the most important part. People go for man made diamonds because they do not end up harming the environment. Mining does have a major role to play in the degradation of the environment. So, you have the right to be proud of yourself the next time you go out to buy a man-made diamond. They do not harm the environment as these aren’t mined out of the earth’s surface.

Man-made diamonds have become popular with the masses in recent times, thanks in part to their affordability and accessibility. Also, lab grown diamonds are easy to get. This means you don’t have to pay a premium to acquire them. Get in touch with vendors dealing in man made diamond manufacturer if you want to own a breathtaking piece of diamond jewellery.

Lab Grown Diamonds – Understand What You Are Buying

All signs demonstrate that the lab-grown precious diamond market of the overall industry will keep on developing. This grouping allows you to offer clients more alternatives — with lab-grown, clients can pick a superior color or bigger precious stone at a similar cost as a characteristic jewel. Moreover, lab-developed precious stones frequently give you a fine edge, a curiosity in jewels.

Lab grown diamonds - understand what you are buying

Lab-grown diamonds are the progressive precious diamonds that have gotten changed in the jewel business. These precious stones have similar physical, compound, and optical properties as earth-mined jewels. Aside from these, lab-grown diamonds are affordable and conflict-free yet glimmering and shimmering. Lab Grown Diamond Company follows an extraordinary method to upgrade mining adornments contributions without thinking twice about any quality that mined jewels have. They are framed similarly, have identical attributes, and bars perfectly show similar fire and sparkle as the mined precious stones.

The measure of damage brought about by earth-mined precious stones is colossal. 200-250 tons of earth should be filtered through to discover only one carat—the large equipment used to complete the cycle winds up causing a ton of harm. The Lab Grown Diamond manufacturer has stepped up the game by concocting an interaction that doesn’t hurt earth seriously.

We screen each colorless and close to colorless free precious stone and piece of the precious stone gems that enters our assembling office — no exceptional cases. Our way to deal with screening ULGDs utilizes the most refined and powerful innovation in the business, so you can have confidence that when you request a characteristic jewel, that is the thing that you’ll get.

The dark side of the company is working in the earth-mined jewel business is ‘child labor.’ This deceptive practice is completed in numerous ventures, including the precious stone assembling organizations. As per the International Labor Organization, around 215 million youngsters (5-18 age bunch) work in shady conditions in such mines. However, with an ascent in the lab grown diamond supplier, the number getting abused in the laboratory decreases.

Common Myths About Factory Made Diamonds

Generally, people prefer quality over anything while shopping for diamonds. It could be really hard to digest that the factory-made diamonds have a lot of great things to offer and have properties just like any other naturally gained diamond. There are many misconceptions floating around about the factory made diamonds owing to the fact that mined diamond industry fears to be disrupted once the people learn about a more affordable way of purchasing diamonds with similar characteristics. So, let us bust the bubbles and clear the facts/myths regarding synthetic diamonds and lab-grown diamond companies.

Jan - Blog

1. They are inferior to the mined diamonds

The idea behind this myth is a huge marketing tactic developed by those who have heavily invested in the mined diamond industry. They have made people believe that the reputation of a lab-grown diamond is very inferior to that of a mined diamond. But it is opposite to what people think, artificial diamonds are alike mined diamonds as they are created under the same environment in the lab. They share common physical, chemical, and optical properties.

2. They don’t have good resale value

People feel that lab-grown diamonds are not as real as mined diamonds. Some customers are diverted to the path of believing that lab-grown diamonds hold less resale value due to previous fact. However, it is wrong and the resale value of lab-grown diamonds is similar to that of mined diamonds.

3. They are not eco-friendly

People who think that lab-grown diamonds are not eco-friendly are highly mistaken as the CVD process or the HPHT process of preparing lab-grown diamonds mimics the natural process of getting mined diamonds. In fact, the lab-grown diamonds are better ethically and are conflict-free for the environment.

Bottom Line

Artificially grown diamonds are assured with several technological advancements and have turned out to be the best alternative for mined diamonds, acceptable and preferred by many industry experts. If you are still in the dilemma of choosing lab-grown diamonds, then don’t worry you could resolve all your doubts with expert consultation at ABD Diamonds. We want you to feel confident about industrial diamonds before you purchase it for your special occasion.

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